

Rob Williamson, BRCP, CCATCM, AOM 

Rob became interested in body and mind work when he took up yoga at the age of 16.  Since then he has studied Tai Chi and Martial Arts, Tui Na and Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and of course Craniosacral Therapy. Rob runs the Blossom Natural Health Clinic with his wife Alison for two decades and works closely with Karen Revivo in her bustling Therapy Life Centre, where he treats a large number of children and adults.

Rob’s ‘Clean Language’ training has lead to his work with children and adults who have issues around verbal communication. He has vast experience working with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum and has a deep insight into this condition as he is the father of a beautifully enigmatic autistic boy who has “severe and lifelong” educational needs. This experience allows him to connect deeply with parents and carers of families with special needs children, being able to understand and accept the unique stresses these families negotiate every day.

These skills have also lead to his work with advocacy charities working at the local and national government level, ensuring that parents' voices are heard.  Rob has also delivered training on the importance of creating multidisciplinary “Teams around the Child” with the goal of creating comprehensive care and services to professionals from Healthcare, Education, and Social Services.


TIC Contributions:


Soft Hands, Soft Words


Non-Invasive Communication in Manual Therapy